
ACM Environmental Ltd (a part of the Reconomy Group of companies) is a full-service waste and recycling company focused on sustainability, low carbon and zero landfill. ACM works with all clients to find inefficiencies and cost-savings in their waste streams and to developĀ  new and innovative ways to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Zero Waste is a goal that entails continually working towards eliminating all wastes. It involves drastically improving the way materials flow through a business, resulting in no waste. By aiming towards this goal, ACM are undoubtedly working towards a better and safer future, in line with the Circular Economy.


It is of the utmost interest to ACM Environmental Ltd to reduce the environmental impact of all our operations by reducing the direct impact of the service we deliver and by reducing the impact of our client’s waste streams. We are also committed to the prevention of pollution and to the wider protection of the Environment through the way in which we provide services to our clients, our partnerships with suppliers and our own Environmental conduct. We set specific corporate objectives relating to the disposal of waste, constantly aiming to improve performance against the waste hierarchy. We believe in applying the same standards to our own office environment at Eco House where we have set an objective of zero waste.


We are fully committed to the prevention of work-related injury and ill health to our staff, visitors, contractors and anyone else who is or may be affected by our operations. We recognise and accept our duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the company, including contractors and temporary workers as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations. We commit to fulfilling our legal and other requirements in relation to Health and Safety. ACM Environmental’s Health and Safety objective is to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses, eliminate hazards and ultimately to achieve an accident-free workplace. This we do through regular risk assessments and internal and external inspections. We aim to continually identify improvements and follow them through. We will ensure staff are consulted and have the opportunity to participate in the management of Health and Safety wherever possible. We have an appointed Health and Safety Officer and maintain Health and Safety Corporate Objectives within our company goals and targets.


To drive improvement, ACM ensure the highest level of objectives for quality, environmental and health and safety performance which are supported by objectives at process level within the company. ACM is also committed to appraising our quality procedures and training of staff to continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system. By maintaining ongoing programmes for the continuous improvement of processes and services, by the measurement and analysis of Key Performance Indicators and the setting of Quality Objectives, ACM promises to provide our customers with conformance to stated requirements along with a level of waste management quality and service that ideally exceeds their expectations.


Through the compliance of all Health and Safety, Quality and Environmental statements above, ACM have successfully satisfied the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 and are committed to meeting all our legal obligations and any other requirements to which we subscribe. We are committed to the continual improvement of our management system.